Note: A signed agreement is required before any services are rendered. Prices subject to change without notice. A minimum deposit of $75.00 will be charged when booking any sleep training or parenting services.
Consultations are available via Skype.
Acceptable forms of payments: Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard, AmericanExpress and Discover.

(Private Class, In-Home or Office)
Sessions are 1 - 1 1/2 Hour and are for couples or individuals.
- This session covers all basic information concerning babycare and breastfeeding.
- Available during the daytime hours for hands-on training once the baby arrives.
- Can be tailored for parents expecting multiples.
(Private Class, In-Home or Office)
- Classes are 1 - 1 1/2 Hour and are for couples or individuals.
- Are designed to assist parent(s) in the following areas:
Newborn Appearance, Swaddling Techniques, Feeding and Burping Baby, Diapering,
Soothing Techniques, Basic Breastfeeding & Bottle Feeding, Understanding Your Baby`s Cries, Development, Sleep Schedules & Routines for Baby and Parents, Bathing & Dressing, Nursery Supplies (what is really needed), Wound Care, and Illness/When To Call The Doctor
How The Breast Works, Loss Of Weight In The Beginning, How Much Baby Needs To Eat in
24-Hours, Demand vs. Scheduled Feedings, How To Increase Milk Supply, How To Decrease Milk Supply, Proper Positioning, Various Breastfeeding Positions, Caloric Intake For Nursing Moms, Foods To Avoid, Common Signs Of Allergic Reactions, Proper Pumping & Milk Storage, Signs For Dehydration and Engorgement.